Taylor-Made Socials: Bringing People Together in Austin

Introducing Taylor-Made Socials: Bringing People Together in Austin

Creating opportunities for people to connect in person has always been a passion of mine. Back in 2022-2023, I started hosting social mixer events for the Austin Social Scene Facebook Group. These monthly gatherings quickly gained traction, with anywhere from 40 to 120+ attendees, depending on the event. I organized these mixers at some of Austin’s most popular restaurants, bars, and breweries, including ABGB, Pinthouse Brewery, Still Austin Whiskey, Little Woodrow’s, Oskar Blues, and many more. These events were a great way to build friendships, make acquaintances, and foster a sense of community. (See more here: ASS & AYP Networking Event)

After a couple of years of consistent event hosting monthly, I eventually experienced burnout and decided to take a break from organizing socials. However, as 2025 rolled in, I felt a renewed desire to bring people together. Instead of limiting myself to a singular Facebook group, I wanted to create a brand that could expand across multiple communities. Thus, Taylor-Made Socials was born—a monthly social mixer designed to help adults in Austin meet new people in a relaxed, fun, and welcoming environment.

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Space Colony Glamping Business

After my years in conservation and sustainability, my dream of sharing these passions with others has developed into a more tangible concept. An immersive, edutainment space colony glamping experience! This is a culmination of my passions, my educational experiences, what I’ve seen on my travels, and what I’ve noticed trending in the market.

I wish I could say this concept it unique, however, given our advances in technology and number of people on the planet – others have had similar ideas. Great minds think alike, right?

One such example is “a Turkish town is preparing to set up a touristic “Mars Colony” that will allow earthlings to walk the surface of the Red Planet here on earth…which will also house a scientific theme park and 30 boutique hotels [and] “astronaut food menus” at the Mars Colony [which are] expected to breathe fresh life into gastronomy tourism as well.” – Daily Sabah

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Adding onto the concept of an immersive experience is the edutainment (education + entertainment) factor. The edutainment is very important to me so guests can learn aspects of conservation and sustainability while having an enjoyable and entertaining on-site experience!

You can see existing edutainment space experiences at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center® and at the Astronaut Training Experience® at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. There will be several experiential routes at the glamping space colony, which include different skill sets or professions needed for a space colony. Some examples include living-lab scientist, agricultural specialist, space engineer, interstellar soldier, or pioneering colonist.

Self-professed teenage ‘space nerds’ at Space Camp chase their dreams of traveling to Mars, while experts reflect on NASA’s history and future at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
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Taylor’s Vermiculture Background

My vermiculture adventure started in November 2018 a couple months after I returned to Texas from my eco-road trip . Having spent the previous seven months up at an intentional community in Oregon, I wanted to continue my greener living with something easy I could do.

I saw a DIY worm bin class advertised online with the Texas Worm Ranch, and figured it might be interesting. Little did I know how big these little guys would become in my life after I got my first worm bin going!

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Taylor’s Personal Projects List

This is a collection of my personal projects, most of which are gardening-related. I also have a few projects related to vermiculture, a hobby I picked up years ago trying to improve my waste practices. Check out each project blog post to see more details and follow my creation process.

Project: The [RE]verse Pitch Competition

I decided to participate in the [RE]verse Pitch Competition through the city of Austin. It’s an entrepreneurial competition like Shark Tank, only the difference is that materials are pitched in reverse to the entrepreneurs. I created vermicomposting bags made from Austin Eastcider’s excess sugar Supersacks. 

Learn more about my experience.

Project: Worm Sifter

I built a worm casting sifter, or a panning trommel, to help better separate my worms from my castings. I found a worm casting sifter DIY video online and recreated it. Overall, I would recommend a different style and have it mechanically powered instead of manual.

Check out my worm casting sifter process.

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Personal Project: Worm Sifter

I took on another personal project which was to build a worm casting sifter, or a panning trommel, to better separate my worms and my castings. I found this worm casting sifter DIY video from Planted by Chris, which I followed to build my very own sifter. After I completed my sifter, I would recommend probably a different style with an electric motor. This works better than by hand, but still requires lots of work and sifting for small juveniles/eggs.

I started off by buying the video’s purchase list requirements to make the sifter. This included mesh wiring, PVC pipes and joints, bots and washers, and extra buckets. I cut the pipes using PVC snips and dry-fit the rotation frame together. This was partially done during the snowmagedon. I had to wait post-storm to get certain parts because hardware stores were sold out of PVC for plumbing issues.

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