Valverde Commons Community – Summary:
- Who: James Ludden
- What: Visited the Valverde Commons Community
- When: Monday, April 9
- Where: Taos, NM
Quick Resources:
My Route:
Planning my Eco-Inspired Road Trip Blog Post

My Travel Story:
After the The Greater World Earthship Community, I traveled to the other side of Taos to visit Valverde Commons.

“Valverde Commons was conceived as an active adult CoHousing community in 2006 and developed from pastureland starting in 2011. Currently there are 22 energy efficient houses with 6 additional ones expected by 2023. Thirty four people live in the community as of 2018. The community is located in the heart of Taos, New Mexico and a short walk from the historic Taos Plaza.
The individual homes are clustered on 10 acres surrounding an almost 4 acre common green space, plus an adjacent 10 acre park with walking paths and gardens.
Our beautiful common house has a full kitchen, large meeting room, library, and laundry facilities. It is frequently used for group dining, parties, meetings, classes, and entertainment. The common house has rooftop solar energy to promote sustainability. We also have a barn building for communal garden tools, tractor, and garden carts. The barn also includes a complete professional wood working shop and other studio facilities.” – Valverde Commons FIC Profile