History Colorado Center Visit

Colorado History Center

I drove up to Denver for the Glamping Show Conference with some extra days for exploring the city and it’s attractions. While I didn’t have an exact plan of what I wanted to do, I came across the City of Denver’s Culture Pass. The 3 Day Mile High Culture Pass offered admission to several attractions in the area, and was well worth the price!

My culture pass took me first to the History Colorado Center in central Denver. The museum showcases a thorough history of Colorado and offers educational programs for the community. History Colorado the 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an agency of the Department of Higher Education manages this museum and other attractions and programs across Colorado.

“[The] History Colorado Center opened in 2012 in Denver’s Golden Triangle Creative District. An award-winning tourist destination and a hub of learning and entertainment, the center houses core exhibits along with traveling exhibitions through [their] Smithsonian Affiliation. It offers public programs, events, and educational programs that foster cultural understanding through authentic perspectives. The History Colorado Center is also home to the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, State Historical Fund, and Stephen H. Hart Research Center…”

History Colorado Website
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Austin Resource Recovery’s Annual Circular Austin Showcase

Continuing my green adventures in Austin, I attended the City of Austin’s Circular Austin Showcase. This was a “shark tank” style pitch event where entrepreneurs propose businesses/products based on recycled or upcycled waste materials. I was previously involved in 2021 [RE]verse Pitch Competition as an initial contestant (didn’t make finals) with an idea for vermicomposting to pitch for that year’s Circular Showcase.

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Texas Disposal Systems Works

In my role as the first-ever Digital Marketing Coordinator at Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) and I played a vital role in developing and executing various marketing initiatives emphasizing sustainability and waste management practices. From redesigning key webpages and crafting targeted email drip campaigns to managing content campaigns and spearheading creative recycling promotions, my work at TDS was multifaceted and impactful. I also contributed to several community-oriented projects, including Earth Day campaigns, interactive recycling games at events, and seasonal holiday waste initiatives. Additionally, I supported the company’s sales department efforts by creating new sales materials and improving online customer funnels. Through these initiatives, I helped position TDS as a leader in the waste management industry in Central Texas while reinforcing its commitment to environmental stewardship and resource conservation.

Waste Wizard Promotion:

  • Promoted the “Waste Wizard,” a versatile app designed to remind customers of waste collection schedules and educate them on proper waste disposal practices. To increase app downloads, I introduced gift card incentive contests, effectively encouraging customer participation, increasing downloads, and reinforcing the brand. Facebook Post

Conference Vendor/Boothing:

  • Represented TDS at industry conferences by staffing booths, distributing marketing materials, and engaging in conversations with attendees about the company’s services and sustainable practices, helping to enhance the brand and fostering potential business relationships.
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Urban Axe Throwing League

One of the athletic hobbies I picked up while living in South Austin during the pandemic was axe throwing! I enjoyed my axe throwing experiences when I went on dates. But then it hit me, I can do axe throwing without dates and have fun on my own. That’s when I decided to join an axe throwing league at Urban Axes Austin.

I initially started off like most amateur throwers, with a double handed overhead throw. I was decently fair at this throwing style. Over time I noticed the seasoned leagues and professionals honed their throwing style to just single handed. So I decided to make the switch and deal with the learning curve.

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PEAS Community Farm “Spring into Fun Day”

I went to the “Spring into Fun Day” garden tour hosted at Cummingham Elementary by PEAS (Partners for Education, Agriculture, and Sustainability.) During my time in Austin, I’ve crossed paths with PEAS’ educational and outreach efforts. I’m very impressed with what they have achieved and how they leverage partnerships within the community.

After parking and walking onto the school grounds, I headed over to the elementary school garden. This is both an educational and production garden. Students are taught how to grow and care for produce, along with science lessons.

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TCEQ Conference and TEEA Banquet

This was the first year during the pandemic I attended the Environmental Trade Fair and Conference (ETFC) hosted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Ironically, I worked for TCEQ for the Take Care of Texas program during the initial years of the pandemic which shut down the conference – so I was never able to attend while working for the agency.

I attended the first day of the conference as an exhibitor with Texas Disposal Systems. I worked the booth alongside a couple salesmen and really enjoyed speaking with guests and handing out promotional items.

Throughout the day attendees would come in waves between educational sessions. According the the ETFC website, ““Agency staff [led] over 100 courses and discussions at Trade Fair. Topics included air and water permitting, oil and gas, industrial and solid waste management, compliance and enforcement, and remediation programs.”

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