Austin Eco-Destination Itinerary

If you’re interested in some eco-destinations in and around Austin, here are some links to more information! I cover each location in a blog post from one of my previous trips before officially moving to Austin.

As a friendly reminder, some of these locations are free self-guided tours, while others might require fees for tours. If there is a phone number or Facebook page, reach out and ask about scheduling a tour. Calling ahead will help prevent headaches for everyone, and potentially open new doors for opportunity!

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Taylor’s Eco-Road Trip 2018 Itinerary

Here’s my travel itinerary by blog post coming from Oregon down south back to Texas. You can learn more about each of my stops by click on the links for more information.

I’ve also included my planning process so you too can see where I found these eco-road trip stops. Many of these communities were listed in official intentional community directories, which helped me find their contact information to reach out!

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