After finding and collecting a sizable stash of Topsy Turvys from Goodwill, I found an idea from Pinterest on how to hand and use them! What I did was find a FREE swing set on Craigslist, disassemble it, drive it home, and them reassemble it in the backyard. This would serve as the semi-mobile vertical planter hanger without digging into the yard as a renter tenant.
Personal Project: Grow Light Stations
After attending the Mother Earth News Fair, I was inspired by Jack Spirko’s indoor grow tower and built a tower of my own. Overtime my grow light stations have evolved – which I’ve highlighted in this blog further below. I also wanted to highlight a few window shelf solar grows, including a unique Chia Pet!
Using a barren shelf unit in the living room, I attached my grow lights to shine on each level. I started using them to get my houseplants growing better and rooting deeper. Then I moved my plants to the window shelves and swapped in seed in biodegradable cups sitting in muffin trays. I didn’t see a whole lot of success except with my green beans and a couple of wildflower seed cups.