Texas Trees Foundation – Marketing Associate

After returning from Oregon and eco-adventuring around Texas, I got a job as the Marketing and Communications Associate at the Texas Trees Foundation in early September 2018. Texas Trees, an urban forestry nonprofit focused on urban trees in North Central Texas, felt like a natural transition from my return from Oregon — continuing on the path of environmentalism and sustainability, in a place I’m familiar with.

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Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

After the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden, I went  into the Dallas Arboretum. It had been many years since I had been to the Dallas Arboretum, so a lot has changed — yet remained the same. This is truly a beautiful destinations not only for tourists, but also locals to enjoy the outdoors, walk among the various plant collections, see the seasonal exhibits, and attend various musical and theatrical events hosted throughout the year.

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Austin Eco-Destination Itinerary

If you’re interested in some eco-destinations in and around Austin, here are some links to more information! I cover each location in a blog post from one of my previous trips before officially moving to Austin.

As a friendly reminder, some of these locations are free self-guided tours, while others might require fees for tours. If there is a phone number or Facebook page, reach out and ask about scheduling a tour. Calling ahead will help prevent headaches for everyone, and potentially open new doors for opportunity!

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Austin Trip – The Natural Gardener

The Natural Gardener

After the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, my grandma and I went to check out The Natural Gardener, a very impressive garden center and teaching facility, tucked away on the southwest outskirts of Austin. The offered an educational class a few days before that I came across online, but didn’t manage to attend – but it peaked my interest enough to want to visit the facility itself – and I’m really glad we did!

“The Natural Gardener is one of the most beautiful and unique garden centers in the world. It’s like a candy store for gardeners, but non-gardeners love it, too. It’s a fun, beautiful, educational destination for everyone. Bring the whole family to The Natural Gardener- even the dog! ” — TNG Webpage

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