History Colorado Center Visit

Colorado History Center

I drove up to Denver for the Glamping Show Conference with some extra days for exploring the city and it’s attractions. While I didn’t have an exact plan of what I wanted to do, I came across the City of Denver’s Culture Pass. The 3 Day Mile High Culture Pass offered admission to several attractions in the area, and was well worth the price!

My culture pass took me first to the History Colorado Center in central Denver. The museum showcases a thorough history of Colorado and offers educational programs for the community. History Colorado the 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an agency of the Department of Higher Education manages this museum and other attractions and programs across Colorado.

“[The] History Colorado Center opened in 2012 in Denver’s Golden Triangle Creative District. An award-winning tourist destination and a hub of learning and entertainment, the center houses core exhibits along with traveling exhibitions through [their] Smithsonian Affiliation. It offers public programs, events, and educational programs that foster cultural understanding through authentic perspectives. The History Colorado Center is also home to the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, State Historical Fund, and Stephen H. Hart Research Center…”

History Colorado Website
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